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主题:大神帮忙解答:P6 中的Activity 与 Step 的区别,回答有奖!!!
回帖:dallen:if one complex activity have some steps,  and the steps have no logic each other, how can i calculation the duration? (2017-11-22 17:27) 
No,you can not calculate the duration with the steps method.
You need record the duration yourself.
By the way, using steps you can calculate the complete percentage more acurately.
and i suggest u try it urself in the software. Truth comes from practice
下一楼›:dallen:作业下面的步骤是否可以导出PDF 与作业一起形成甘特图?
对于一些工序之间逻辑性不强 ..
作业步骤是 ..
