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P6 Lag [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2013-06-30
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 18:43:44 +0800 J~k'b2(p3  
hi, mk
I remembered you said  it's better not to use "lag". (I\qTf N4  
But I found it's really need it,  maybe it's must.
for example, in piping project,  transport the piping (布管) 和 welding(焊接),after piping (布管) going on 3or 4 days,it can do welding. There are so many this case, not SS, not FS,  just need do SS and lag.  (交叉作业)
I want to practise my English. So I write in English.
Sure lag is NOT must.  Use lag because planner/scheduler lazy only. B):hm  
In your example, what is the purpose for that 3 or 4 days?  This purpose can be an activity.  If it is an activity, then piping FS(0) to "purpose" then FS(0) to welding
... mktse
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