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[P6 7.0-7.3版本]新版本P6的SDK安装成功却无法使用的解决方法 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2020-03-03
新版本P6的SDK安装成功却无法使用,在论坛发贴求助 http://www.p3bbs.com/read.php?tid-9696.html后一直没有解决。这几天无意看了一份p6安装配置的资料,试了一下,果然可以使用了。这里给需要的参考一下 N_pUv   
NB_ )ZEmF  
Updatingthe Path System Variable for the P6 Professional SDK
When you install the P6 Professional SDK, you must add the P6 ProfessionalSDK installation location to the Path system variable. To update the Pathsystem variable, complete the following steps:
1.            Open the Windows Control Panel and click System.
2.            Click Advanced System Settings.
3.            On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
4.            In the System variables pane, locate the Path variable.
5.            Click Edit.
6.            In the Variable Value field, add the P6 ProfessionalSDK installation location. The default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\PrimaveraP6\P6 Professional (with 64-bit) or C:\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6Professional (with 32-bit).
7.            Click OK.
8.            Click OK.
9           Click OK.
蚕豆哥 贡献值 +10 - 2020-03-06
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只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2020-03-06
Primavera P6 Unifier Support Specialist || E-mail: kangpingchn@hotmail.com & Phone / Wechat: 18620728408 || Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/kping0306
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